Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
He who looks outside, dreams. He who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

Wednesday, January 26, 2011



You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought “I release the need for this in my life.”  Wayne Dyer

My word of the year “Release” truly captures the essence of all that I want to experience this year.  Every intention that I set involved some form of letting go ~ useless guilt, the act of do-ing instead of be-ing, organization of record-keeping and the list goes on…all the things that clutter the house, mind and spirit.

One of the realizations that I came to, not a rocket science moment I admit but still a bit of a revelation to me, revolves around the idea that this simple word “release” requires that I pay attention daily.  Letting (whatever ~ fill in the blank) go into the universe is a soothing exercise but it is not enough.  So each day I have journaled around the concept from different perspectives ~ focusing on the mind shift instead of adding yet another to-do list to my world (especially since busyness is one of my “releases”).  I find it welcoming that the above art journal page is much cleaner (less of everything) than usual, a clear example of the simple lines I am craving right now. 

What have you released lately?

Monday, January 17, 2011



When Alexander the Great visited Diogenes and asked whether he could do anything for the famed teacher, Diogenes replied: Only stand out of my light. 

Perhaps some day we shall know how to heighten creativity.  Until then, one of the best things we can do for creative men and women is to stand out of their light.  John Gardner

I would say instead find your own light.  Explore in your journal what prevents you from shining and write about those moments when you do.



Thursday, January 6, 2011

Art Journaling & Prompts

 As I’ve played more with art journaling this week, I thought I’d share the prompts that I used.  For this first picture, I asked ~ What does the New Year represent?

In the middle, I carved a “secret” door, a visual representation of the time I need to carve for self:


Inside the door, I wrote those spirit words that I hope to manifest in greater abundance this year:


I’m embracing the word “Release” this year and wanted a flavor of what that feels like.  You can see that I didn’t sacrifice my journal writing for the mixed media as my entries are written here:


The prompt for the next picture is actually a cluster writing ~ center circle with a word in the middle & then span out with quick word associations (usually a spider web effect but this one turned into a flower in which the stem… aka my need to control…wasn’t grounding me but holding me down).  Use any word that calls to you, or any idea that’s tickling your brain.  (I also use this exercise for writing projects and planning workshops.)

I chose the center word “overwhelm” in an effort to find my balance.  I only used oil pastels and a paint pen on this one:


In this next example, the left hand page was a response to my questioning an out of control feeling & I ended up with a puppet on stage.  The right hand side was a release of the need for control through “blowing bubbles”:



Here are the writing prompts for your own journaling whether through writing, mixed media or a combination ~ express yourself your way:)

What does the New Year represent to you?

What do you want to manifest this year?

What can you release this year?  What would that look like?

Try a cluster writing…pick a word that calls to you, center it on the page and spider-web quickly all the other thoughts that flow from your center.

Enjoy the journey:)