Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
He who looks outside, dreams. He who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bloggy Love ~ Second Blog Award (& Some Truths About Me)



I am honored.  A sincere note of appreciation to Kim @ A Spicy Boy, A Cat and My Fat Ass.  Yes, she is funny ~ check her out.

Here are the rules for receiving this award.

1) Thank the person who gave you the award
2) Share 7 things about yourself
3) Pass the award along to at least 10 bloggers you think are fantastic
4) Contact the bloggers you picked and let them know about the award

I didn’t make the rules up, don’t know who did & am ok if you choose not to follow them ~ hope I’m not breaking a blogging rule by saying that:)

You all know how little I really talk about myself so here goes…(breathe in…)

1 ~ I write a lot about capturing the moment, writing your way through pain and embracing the inner journey to authenticity; but sometimes a White Russian works as well.

2 ~ I just recently found out that wearing glasses on top of my head is apparently one of my trademarks (see profile pic)

3 ~ I think I went five years once without crying.  Now I tear up even at commercials (the allergy excuse doesn’t work anymore!).

4 ~ After ten years my husband still gives me chills.

5 ~ My girls rock!

6 ~ I love naps.

7 ~ I’ve lost count @ how many times I’ve seen Dave Matthews Band.

Bonus ~ Mid-40’s isn’t so bad:)

Even harder, I have to choose ten blogs out of so many fantastic voices….this is in no way an exhaustive list of the blogs I follow nor in any particular order.  (As previously alluded to in an earlier post, I will be giving out my own “Life Lines” award from time to time.  Mainly because I think we should all receive some validation for speaking our truth and hoping that truth throws out a needed lifeline to others.)


All Things Wonderful ~ peaceful blog with interesting info

Paisley Passions ~ wonderful projects

Arsty Canvas Girl ~ living her authentic life

Diamond Potential ~ a blog with heart

live artfully ~ beautiful

Pacifiers Pumps The World ~ love her willingness to try new things on her blog

W.I.P. It  A Writer's Journey ~ Excellent writers’ blog (& aren’t we all writers?!)

Society of Socialpreneurs ~ love this site for networking and support

Wagging Tales ~ another great writers’ blog

I Made It Through The Rain ~ Awesome approach


  1. Wow Dawn, thank you for including my blog among your ten noted here.

  2. Thanks DAWN!! WOW!!
    I think I'm with you with the glasses on top of the head!! Last week we were leaving for the movies and I was frantically running around looking for my sunglasses (I have MANY). I found a pair and put them on. When we went in to pay, I move them to the top of my head... where there was already another pair!! LOL!! Unfortunately, that a common thing... *sigh*

    I do have to say that when I drank, White Russian was one of my FAVORITES!!! Baileys on the rocks ROCKED... LOL!! *sigh* OK! I'll be GOOD!! ;p (((HUGS)))

  3. Hi Dawn! I am so honored! Thank you -- my first award for blogging! Like you, I tear up during commercials. My kids laugh and it can be quite embarrassing. Like you, I adore my children, a good nap and, yes! White Russians...
    Love and blessings!

  4. Thanks so much for this special award :)
    It's a great honour


  5. You have put a smile on my face. What a great way to wake up. Thank you so much!!! I'm a Tequila girl. You can't say it without smiling. That is so sweet about your hubby. Exactly how its suppose to be.

    Thank you!!!

  6. Congratulations! A well deserved award.

  7. Dawn,
    This award system is such a great idea; thank you for inviting me to participate, the award and the kind words concerning my blog.
    I am one of your new followers and I look forward to so many more great blogs from you...have a super day!


  8. I haven't had a white russian in years! So yummy! And, the late 40's aren't so bad, either!

  9. Hi!
    Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate your visit. I like what you have to say, about honesty and support. Been trying to find and do both at Heart and Home, it's a daily stuggle to stay true to myself! But getting easier every day.
    Stop by anytime,
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  10. Fell behind in replying ~ so sorry!
    Myrna ~ as always, great to see you here & I really appreciate your support & kind words (& your blog which is full of inspiration!)
    Lisa ~ so glad you came by!
    Heidi ~ I'll definitely be coming back
    Josh ~ of course it's okay, I do have a "treasure chest" giveaway coming up in November so I'll come by
    Mary ~ good to know:)


What's your truth?