Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
He who looks outside, dreams. He who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Winter Solace ~ A Virtual Journal Writing Retreat

Wrap up the holidays and start the new year with a peaceful inner journey.

Participants will explore their emotional temperature, find balance, capture heart-felt memories, tap into creativity and focus on self-care and healing through this four-week on-line writing journey.

As a special offer, I am offering this on-line workshop for only $35.00.  If you would like a journal and one of my journal totes (assorted colors & patterns), the cost is only $50.00 (significant savings as the workshop is over $100.00 & the totes are $25.00). 


If this is a gift, please send me an e-mail and I’ll include a gift certificate (please let me know before 12/13 if it’s a gift).  Class begins 1/9/11 and runs through 2/6/11.  I hope you’ll join me!  (google checkout will be added later today on my blog & website)

It’s A Celebration

 We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.  ~Thornton Wilder

I learned quite a few lessons in my blog party for the year anniversary of Life Lines: Celebrate Your Journey.

I could have made it bigger, reached out to more hosts, tied into other linky’s, posted more often here and on Facebook, planned earlier, partnered with CSN for a gift certificate, etc.  Instead I stayed true to my nature as far as marketing and paid attention to my limits ~ juggling full time work in child welfare, developing future workshops, working on three books, finishing graduate school and a mother…that’s enough, I think:) ~ and by doing so I was able to actually enjoy the process.  I met new blog friends, got to know others better and am very grateful for my hosts.  The interviews gave me an opportunity to take a step back and see where I am now and where I want to go.  Again, thank you to the hosts (I know some people got busy & weren’t able to post, let me know if you did & I missed it!):

Pacifiers, Pumps, The World

Paisley Passions

Artsy Canvas Girl

Village Hearth

Congratulations to the winners of the drawing (done via Random Number Generator):


Treasure Chest of goodies goes to Dawna @ Hiccup in Time

The five winners of Celebrate Your Journey ~ A Monthly Planner and Journal Companion:

#5 Georgia's Simply Pretty Things

#3 Honey Bee Hive

#8 Shooting Stars Mag

#2 My Life as a Wife and Mommy

#4 Just Sew Sassy

I hope all my blogging friends in the States have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

As each day comes to us refreshed and anew, so does my gratitude renew itself daily.  The breaking of the sun over the horizon is my grateful heart dawning upon a blessed world. 

~Terri Guillemets

Saturday, November 20, 2010



Graphics Fairy Image

Privacy - like eating and breathing - is one of life's basic requirements. ~ Katherine Neville

The very first journal I ever received appealed to me on many different levels.  The pages begged to be filled and the lock and key provided a measure of safety and security. When beginning a workshop and in the first chapter of my journal writing workbook, I start with exploring how to keep your journal personal and protected so that you write only for yourself.  I ask others to explore times in their life when their trust has been violated and what they do now because of it.

I found out this week my g-mail account has been “hacked” as a mass e-mail went out to others that I didn’t send.  I honestly don’t use that account for my everyday e-mails but keep it for my blog.  I’ve changed the password and hope that corrects any issues but I’m honestly not computer savvy. 

However, the feeling of someone having my password (which how does that happen anyway?!), having the ability to send spam or a virus or respond as me has left me sick to my stomach.  The idea that someone could look at my personal e-mails or cause damage to others in my name reminded me of those times in my life when I have felt vulnerable. 

I know it may sound like an oxymoron ~ the idea that a blogger needs privacy, after all we put ourselves out there, right?  But we choose what is posted and I cherish my quiet moments, my solitude and those thoughts that I keep to myself.  During those rare moments that I reveal my “dirty laundry”, it is only when I think that by doing so I can help someone else.  When I realized that someone had my password, the first thing I did was check my blog to make sure there wasn’t a new post not authored by me.  I know this wasn’t someone known to me, and am wondering if there is some computer program that someone downloaded that just finds various e-mail addresses with various combinations until it gets it right (I’m probably sounding quite ignorant at this point) and I can’t imagine what the purpose is or why anyone would create a program like that. 

Consider what privacy means to you and how you protect it.  Explore how you consider privacy in your cyber-world too.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Spreading Light


There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. ~Edith Wharton

Write about times in your life you’ve been the candle or you’ve been the mirror.  What will you do this week to spread light?

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Friday, November 5, 2010

ATC’s & Randomness

Some random thoughts today.

Finally played with some more ATC’s & posting a few:








I posted a “how-to” geared towards children ~ the link is in the “Mom’s Treasure” tab across the top.

Many thanks to Raven at Pacifiers, Pumps, The World for her insightful interview questions and posting about my anniversary celebration of “Life Lines: Celebrate Your Journey.”  Don’t forget to link up under the “It’s A Celebration” tab across the top for the giveaway.

Lately it’s become clearer to me all the small and large events and life experiences have formed an intentional path I never saw coming.  It’s interesting that I continually ignored the signs, thought I was done with self-actualization, only to have the universe laugh at the arrogance and let me know that 45 is not too old to keep growing. 

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.  David Levithan

Write about your random pieces and how they form a beautiful whole.