Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
He who looks outside, dreams. He who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

Friday, March 18, 2011


May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night and a smooth road all the way to your door.  Irish Blessing
I’ve been going through a “bare branches” phase lately
eyes riveted to the naked starkness     
bold against the changing backdrop
exposing beauty through vulnerability        
one last stand before spring bursts through
As I progress through a season of  physical, emotional and spiritual spring cleaning                                                                
I feel a kinship for the stripped down version  
knowing that sometimes pruning ornamental clutter is necessary before the bloom
What’s been calling to you lately?


  1. The photos are lovely. Your words are so poetic and wise. More than the new year, Spring always leads me to renew goals, to purge some clutter and to I suppose to bare down to some truths. Thanks Dawn.

  2. I love the pictures. Spring is such a great time to refoucs on myself.

  3. Sorry for the slow response! Haven't been on line much recently. So glad you all stopped by.
    Hi Myrna - I guess there really is a parallel between nature and our personal seasons. Hope you are doing well.
    Raven - Good to hear from you & good for you focusing on self. So often the last place we go when taking care of everyone else.
    Hi Jeanette - nice to meet you. thanks for the follow!


What's your truth?