Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
He who looks outside, dreams. He who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Artistic Vision Banner

My latest  project from  The Artistic Mother


 The top half ~ daily goals of

Play, Write & Love


Bottom half ~

Weaves personal & professional


Kiss the Sky

Authentic Life

Creative Healing

Celebrate the Journey

Laugh at Self

Capture the Beauty

Listen to Intuition

Follow Spiritual Path

Glimpses of Sanity

What is your vision?


  1. I love the way you displayed everything! Very nice, set a beautiful mood.

  2. Love this, Dawn! Very beautiful way to honor your goals and intentions. You are so gifted:-)

  3. Thank you both!
    (Theresa I've been thinking about you & hope your group is going well! Loved the conference call I was able to participate in...I'm working on the de-clutter process!)

  4. Lovely post Dawn. It inspires me to take some time and redo my vision board. I'd love to make it more artisitic, like yours.

    I love the vision of your life. So creative and rich.

  5. Dawn....this is a wonderful reminder to me that I MUST get back to this book!! love your vision...

  6. Hi,

    What a beautiful creative board!

    Thanks for stopping by.I had to smile when you said its homemade no matter what. Cheers to a stress free hoiliday!

  7. loving all your beautiful comments ~ thank you

  8. What a beautiful vision board. I need one of those. Lots of visions, but no board!

    Stopping by from your Monkey group on SITS.


What's your truth?